Tuesday evenings


Come sit at the bar for a drink and order a drink. A lot of Bonapartians do not debate and just come for social interactions. We always have someone behind the bar who you can chit chat to!


Every evening we have two or three debates. If you want, you can sign up for them. It approximately takes one hour to prepare for the debate, to perform the debate and to listen to the outcome of the judges. You can also sit at the bar and watch.


Would you like to discuss the uprising of FvD or Groenlinks? Are you interested in how other members are perceiving the elections? Or do you just want to know how everyone’s weekend was? Also after the debates there is enough interesting stuff to discuss!

Our Tuesday evenings have roughly the following layout:

19:30 – The first members turn up to chill at the bar
20:00 – First debate is announced
20:15 – First debate begins
21:00 – Second debate is announced
21:15 – Second debate begins
22:00 – Show debate with experienced members
22:30 – Rest of the evening follows at the bar until…
23:30 – … we go to a bar elsewhere

If you don’t want to debate, you don’t have to: you can watch or just chat at the bar!