
During the academic year we organise weekly debate evenings every Tuesday at 7.00 pm. Debates are held either in AP or BP debate formats. They are the heart of the society. Are you feeling in shape today? Feel free to join multiple debates in an evening! Do you feel more like spectating? That’s fine too!

Interested to drop by? Non-members can drop by up to three times by letting us know here, we will notify you if you’re able to join!

On some evenings, there is also the opportunity for participants to improve their debate skills. Experienced trainers deliver substantive courses and training sessions on these evenings to improve various debate skills and there is plenty of opportunity for practice for all participants involved.

Bonaparte is the place to develop yourself, both as a speaker and a debater. For new members we have a beginners course, for you to start your development as soon as possible. For members that already understand the basics we have more intense courses for public speaking and debate techniques. Want to know more about courses? Find out here.

We’re not just a debate association, we’re a family! Every year we organise major social events such as weekend get-togethers, trips abroad, and our end of year gala! Throughout the year we also organise various fun social activities such as borrels, picnics, pub quizzes, movie nights and game nights!

Find out more here!

Ready to take on a challenge? Take part in a tournament! We regularly send a contingent to tournaments domestically and internationally. Our contingents are of members of varied experience so that everyone is given the opportunity to succeed, whether you’re a serious competitive debater or just enjoy the debating atmosphere.

Bonaparte is also responsible for the organisation of one of the largest national debate tournaments in the Netherlands, the Amsterdam Open, and we regularly host the Dutch Nationals too.

More info can be found here.