NK Eloquence debating: the most entertaining debate tournament

On the 9th of June, the eloquent Dutch debate community will gather to compete for the title of Dutch champion eloquence debating. The tournament is aimed at learning and having fun with a competitive element. It is the ideal opportunity to improve your public speaking skills. To achieve this goal, there will be a short course at the beginning of the day to introduce the format and gain all the necessary knowledge. The tournament is open to everyone, from practised debaters to professionals, politicians and schoolchildren. If you want to improve the structure of your arguments and have an entertaining day, don’t hesitate and sign up for the NK Eloquentia soon. Moreover, it is possible to hire ASDV Bonaparte for a course at another time.

Have you ever made a speech at a debate that was so convincing that the audience was teary-eyed with emotion, or so entertaining that the audience laughed until they dropped, but still lost because of an unclear structure of your arguments? And are you still secretly indignant about this? Then don’t hesitate any longer and quickly sign up for the most fun debate tournament in the Netherlands, where argumentation and rhetoric go hand in hand!

Date: 9th of June
costs: €20 per student speaker/€25 per non-student speaker (including food!), free for judges
Start registration: 30th of April
Closing registration: 29th of May
Location: Cartesius lyceum: Frederik Hendrikplantsoen 7A, 1052 XN Amsterdam



11:30 – 12:00: Registration (and lunch)

12:00 – 12:30: Introduction course

12:45 -13:00 Opening

13:00 – 14:15 Round 1

14:15 – 15:30 Round 2

15:45 – 17:00 Round 3

17:00 – 18:15 Round 4

18:15 – 18:45 Dinner

19:00 – 19:40 Final English

19:40 – 20:20 Finale Nederlands

20:30  Borrel